
[Bloomed] album reissue[Devotion + Doubt] album [Since] album[The Hill] album[Richard Buckner] album[Impasse-ette] EP[Impasse] album[Dents and Shells] album Richard Buckner & Jon Langford: [Sir Dark Invader Vs. The Fanglord] album[Meadow] album

Sunday, January 28, 2007

New and revised 2007 U.S. tour dates with Six Parts Seven 

Remember how in the last tour update I posted, there was some conflicting info? Here's a new-and-hopefully-improved list of Buckner's upcoming tour with The Six Parts Seven (label site / myspace), with new info from Ground Control Touring, Merge Records and Pollstar.

According to the Randy Bacon Gallery Sounds blog, The Six Parts Seven, aside from performing on their own, "will also pull double-duty as Bucknerā€™s backup band." Very interesting, indeed! Looks like this tour will be one to catch if you can. Lots of new shows have been added, and you might want to recheck the dates to see if the changes affect any shows you're planning to attend.

Changes are indicated in bold:
... a plus sign (+) means an added show
... a pound sign (#) means some other change (see accompanying details).

Monday, January 15, 2007

Buckner circa 1994 

Recently I got an e-mail from Albert P. Pappalardo, who had a regional San Francisco variety TV series in the 1990s called Fog Town Network. Albert put up some clips from the program onto YouTube, including one from a session Richard Buckner played for the show. Watch RB performing "The Worst Way" (Bloomed) from January 1994:

[direct link to the video at YouTube]

Thanks, Albert!

First tour of 2007: Eastern, midwestern and southern U.S. with the Six Parts Seven 

Merge Records has a list for Richard Buckner's first shows of 2007. The tour starts next month and it looks like all of the dates will also feature The Six Parts Seven (one of my favorite current bands, by the way) on the bill. (Here's the 6p7 MySpace page -- autoplays audio.)

These are all new shows, and I'm not sure if RB will be playing by himself or with Doug Gillard again, but the website for Union Hall (where he'll start the tour) specifically says "Richard Buckner (with his band)" for the Feb. 17th date. It doesn't mention the band for the Feb. 18th date, but that doesn't necessarily mean there won't be a backing band.

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