
[Bloomed] album reissue[Devotion + Doubt] album [Since] album[The Hill] album[Richard Buckner] album[Impasse-ette] EP[Impasse] album[Dents and Shells] album Richard Buckner & Jon Langford: [Sir Dark Invader Vs. The Fanglord] album[Meadow] album

Monday, June 26, 2006

More shows, September tour with Eric Bachmann 

Most of the new concerts are with Eric Bachmann of Crooked Fingers [warning, music auto-loads]. Source: Merge Records and the MusicFestNW site.

Changes since last time are indicated in bold. A plus sign (+) means an added show.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Summer tour: Midwest, eastern U.S. 

Thanks to the prod from Rain Dog, here's an update of upcoming shows. These dates are from Merge Records as well as Pollstar.

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